God and Money


Pastor Tom Sharpe

If most people believe money does not buy happiness, why does it remain a core drive from generation to generation?

Looking back, we would be hard-pressed to find people who have not heard money doesn’t buy happiness. So, what gives? Why is it so difficult to live with less focus on money? Jesus said in Luke 12:15,” …a man’s life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions.” Most of us would give this a rubber stamp of approval! But the question remains why, in practice, is this so often ignored?

We all need something in life. We are not born with all our needs met. Often, our needs are security, prestige, freedom, acceptance, love, and sensory satisfaction. Money is one way through which we can try to meet these needs.

Meeting our needs is important. And lest we go too far here, money is important. Jesus tells us to pray for our daily bread. But it comes down to where we ultimately get our needs met. Jesus wants us to know our true needs will never be met through money.

Jesus invites us to go to Him. Through our trust in Jesus, we find the power of faith. Through God’s grace, we’re empowered to let go of putting our trust in money and other earthly things. It is more than a “Do this; not that” or “Follow the rules or else.” It is the knowledge that we are loved and forgiven in Jesus. Here, by the grace of God, we find our needs met. We enjoy life to its fullest with our Heavenly Father as our provider.

In the table you can see Bible, Coffee and Eyeglass